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Game Plan

Supporting clubs and sports to build capability

Game Plan is a free online platform that allows sporting clubs of all sizes to get insights into their current capability in key areas of club administration, then supports ongoing club development with a suite of tools and resources.

Club leaders access foundation modules on topics crucial for the successful operation of all clubs. Further modules are available to help clubs progress and grow in the priority areas they have identified.

Module assessments are quick and easy and can be completed by the club leader with the most knowledge of that topic. For example, the treasurer completes the finance module. Each module takes between 5 and 10 minutes to complete.

On completion of each module assessment, clubs receive a current maturity level rating, alongside recommendations about how to improve and progress to the next maturity level and supporting resources.

Two junior kids playing rugby

The 4 maturity levels are:

  • Not in place – risk area, please take immediate action.
  • Developing – potentially does not meet minimum standard, take action as soon as possible
  • Developed – meets minimum standards and is sound process but still has improvement potential
  • Excelling – highest level of benchmarked excellence well done and keep going!

There are 6 easy steps to developing your Game Plan:


Lonsdale Links Golf Club

Sloths Dragon Boating Club

For more information:

For further information contact the Game Plan team at

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