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Sport Governance Principles

Principle 6: The Playbook

Board processes which ensure accountability and transparency

Principle 6: The Playbook

Board processes which ensure accountability and transparency

Through effective processes and continual review of its performance, the board is able to demonstrate accountability and transparency to its members and stakeholders.

2023 SCORE
Standard 2021 Avg 2022 Avg2023 Avg
6.1 The organisation has a Finance, Audit and Risk committee 3.2 3.3 3.21
6.2 The board shall appoint the chair and evaluate their performance 2.5 3.0 2.79
6.3 The board shall ensure that the CEO, upon leaving their role, is not appointed or elected to the board within 3 years 3.1 3.3 3.46
6.4 The board has rigorous processes for identifying and managing director conflicts of interest 3.4 3.3 3.44
6.5 The organisation reports on governance outcomes at both its Annual General Meeting (AGM) and in its Annual Report 2.7 2.82.74
  • Principle 6 remained steady in 2023, with the greatest improvement coming from Standard 6.3 CEO Eligibility (3.46), with 46 NSO/Ds reporting that their organisation has a minimum period of 3 or more years before a former CEO is eligible to become a director. Encouragingly, only 7 NSO/Ds reported the lowest maturity score of 1 for this Standard, compared to 14 NSO/Ds in 2022.
  • In 2023, resources have been developed and released to support each of the Standards under Principle 6.
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