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NSO Investment

Participation Growth Funding Frequently Asked Questions

Participation Growth Funding Frequently Asked Questions for NSOs/NSODs

Participation Growth Funding (PGF) is the investment that supports National Sporting Organisations (NSO) and National Sporting Organisations for People with Disability (NSOD) to deliver high quality participation outcomes.

PGF will support NSOs and NSODs to deliver participation outcomes for participants, coaches, officials, and volunteers through an investment that is focussed on supporting inclusive, welcoming and accessible participation opportunities. This investment helps deliver on Australian’s first national sport participation strategy, Play Well by ensuring everyone has a place in sport.

The Australian Sports Commission strategic vision is that sport has a place for everyone and delivers results that make Australia proud. The ASC will lead, support, and provide opportunities for all communities to be involved in sport, while growing elite success and representation, inspiring future generations.

Our strategic pillars are:

  • Lead and enable the world’s best sport system.
  • Involve more Australians with sport at all levels.
  • Drive innovation in sport.

It is expected that the participation priorities this funding supports are aligned with your current national participation plan and the new Play Well Strategy.

Play Well, Australia’s Sport Participation Strategy has been developed to create great sporting environments and experiences, where individuals of all ages, backgrounds, genders, and abilities can come together to access the benefits of sport.

Everyone has a right to participate in sport. Sport is a powerful vehicle for personal growth, community building and positive social change.

Yes. NSO and NSODs are required to work in partnership with their allocated Participation Advisor to develop agreed participation priorities prior to submission.

A list of investment priority categories is included in the PGF Investment Guidelines. Your Participation Advisor will discuss and confirm investment priorities with you.

In partnership with your Participation Advisor, NSOs and NSODs will be required to submit your activities into the PGF Activities spreadsheet template for ASC approval process.

Once approved, NSOs and NSODs will then complete the online form via the ASC Partner Portal outlining priority activities and budget allocation.

Each activity must have realistic targets for participation growth outcomes to be achieved by 31 December 2024.

Reporting at the end of the 6-month timeframes will be required and supported by regular meetings with your Participation Advisor throughout the funding period.

When setting your activities, it is essential that they are specific to increasing participation in your sport. To achieve this, use the SMART acronym to assist you in developing your activities:

SMART AcronymDescription
S – SpecificTargets a specific area of participation
M – MeasurableQuantifies or suggests an indicator of progress
A – AttainableThe target can be achieved within the funding period
R – RelevantThe activity is relevant to increase participation
T - TimelyWhen will the activity be complete
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