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Grants and Funding

Local Para Champions

Frequently asked questions

Please see our list of Frequently asked questions to assist with any further questions you may have regarding the Local Para Champions grant.

The following championships are eligible as per the eligibility criteria:

  • An official state/territory championship where the event, a division or competition is open only to athletes with a disability and it is endorsed by the relevant ASC recognised national sporting organisation (NSO), national sporting organisations for people with disability (NSODs) or a School Sport Australia member body:
    • e.g. Special Olympics NSW State Equestrian Championships
    • e.g. attending the QLD School Sport Swimming 13-19 years State Championships in a Multi Class event.
  • An official national championship where the event, a division or the competition is open to only athletes with a disability and endorsed by the relevant ASC recognised NSO, NSOD or School Sport Australia:
    • e.g. Basketball Australia – Ivor Burge Championships or Kevin Coombs Cup
    • e.g. Australian National Goalball Championships.
  • Attending an international competition as a member of an Australian team, where only athletes with a disability can be selected and you are representing an ASC recognised NSO, NSOD or School Sport Australia.
    • e.g. attending the Boccia World Championships as part of the Boccia Australia team.
    • e.g. attending the Wheelchair Rugby World Championships as part of the Wheelchair Rugby Australian team.

Click on the below links to check out the ASC recognised NSOs, plus the School Sport Australia and related state associations calendar of eligible events.

Applications for participation in the following are not eligible:

  • Any competition/division or individual event where that competition/division/event is not specifically for athletes with a disability, such as attending the NSW All Schools Cross Country which is open to any athlete that is able bodied or has a disability.
  • A club or state team attending an international competition or travelling overseas.
  • Development or training squads and camps.
  • Ongoing seasonal competitions.
  • Local and regional competitions.
  • Competitions delivered by organisations not affiliated with an ASC recognised NSO or NSOD.
  • Competitions delivered by associations not affiliated with School Sport Australia.

For international competitions, an official Australian team is a team that is representing the ASC recognised national sporting organisation (NSO), national sporting organisation for people with disability (NSOD) or School Sport Australia.

Although an NSO, NSOD or School Sport Australia may support a club or state team attending an international competition and representing Australia, a club or state team is not classified as the ‘official’ Australian team for the purposes of the Local Para Champions program.

No. We are unable to provide an exemption for any applicant that is not turning 12 to 24 years of age in the same calendar year as the nominated championships.
Note: You can apply if you are 11 years of age at the time of applying, but will be turning 12 during the same calendar year (1 January – 31 December) as the nominated championships.

The Local Para Champions (LPC) program is designed to support sportspeople through the teenage years when research shows that the largest dropout rates occur. It is for this reason that the LPC program aims to provide financial assistance for sportspeople around this time, to ease the financial burden on their families, which will hopefully lead to lower dropout rates. LPC also provides support to young adults to ease the financial burden on them and their families to attend these important championships.

The lower age limit has been set at 12 years as it is around this age when ASC research shows that junior athletes start to take sport more seriously and begin competing at the level of competition that is supported by the LPC program.

Yes, if you have already attended the championships you are able to submit an application.

Applications for competitions held during the eligible competition dates can be submitted at any time during the round. Applications do not need to be submitted within one month of the competition finishing, they can be submitted at any time the round is open.

Check out the Third Party Funding opportunities to see if you may be eligible for another grant program.

Yes, you can still apply for a grant if the championships will occur before your application is assessed or you are advised of the outcome to your application.

In these cases, if you are successful, the grant will be provided as a reimbursement for costs incurred with attending the championships.

Remember that you must complete and submit an application prior to the championships commencing to be eligible.

No. The Local Para Champions program may be oversubscribed with more applications received than grants available. In these cases, applications undergo a competitive assessment process, and as a result, the grant cannot be guaranteed.

Your Application ID number can be found in the subject line of the email the ASC sent when you submitted your application.

Remember to check your junk email folder if you cannot find this email.

If successful, you can use the grant on any associated cost for you to attend the nominated championships.

Examples of expenses include (but is not limited to):

  • Competition entry fees/levies
  • Transport costs (e.g. airfares, petrol)
  • Accommodation
  • Uniform
  • Sporting equipment

If your circumstances change and you are no longer able to attend the nominated championships, email us at

Applications are assessed against other applications received from each local area. Each local area receives a varying number of applications.

If a team member is successful in receiving a grant, and you are not, it is likely that your team member resides in a different area to you and their application was assessed against different applications to yours. There are varying levels of competition for grants across local areas. This may include more applications received in certain local areas, which may impact how grants are ranked.

If you have received a Local Para Champions (LPC) grant this allocation year (Round 1,2,3 or 4 2024/25) to attend a state or national championships, you are eligible to receive another grant this allocation year to attend an international competition. If you are not attending an international competition, you will be eligible to apply for another grant at the start of the next allocation year.

If you have received a grant to attend an international competition, you can receive another grant this allocation year to attend a state, national or another international competition.

If you have received two grants this allocation year (Round 1,2,3 or 4 2024/25), you are ineligible to receive another grant.

To check if you have received a LPC grant this allocation year:

  1. Login to your smartygrants account at - Home Page - Australian Sports Commission (
  2. Click on my submissions at the top of the screen
  3. Scroll down to the Submitted Forms section

Identify the last Local Para Champions application you submitted.  This will tell you the round and allocation year it was submitted.  Compare this with the current round that is open

No. To be eligible for a Local Para Champions grant you must also be between the ages of 12-24. The grant is specifically for participants in eligible competitions that are in that age range.

Have any questions about Local Para Champions?

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