Federal government
Sport Integrity Australia
As the voice for sport integrity issues, Sport Integrity Australia works closely with the sport sector in the areas of child safeguarding, supplements, wagering, anti-doping and match-fixing. They are committed to creating Australian sport environments that are safe, supportive and friendly for children and young people. The agency supports sport to achieve this by developing national policies, resources and education to build the capacity of sporting organisations and individuals to provide safe sporting environments.
Phone: 1300 027 232
Email: contactus@sportyintegrity.gov.au
Website: Sport Integrity Australia – Safeguarding
National Sports Tribunal
The National Sports Tribunal (NST) provides cost-effective, efficient, transparent and independent dispute resolution services for Australian sport. The NST offers a range of dispute resolution options – arbitration, mediation, conciliation and case appraisal – to help sporting organisations and their participants resolve disputes efficiently and affordably.
The NST is entirely independent from other Commonwealth sport agencies and sporting organisations, with independent tribunal members located nation-wide, including former athletes, top sport administrators, and legal and medical experts working in sport.
Phone: (02) 6289 3877
Email: enquiries@nationalsportstribunal.gov.au
Website: www.nationalsportstribunal.gov.au
National Redress Scheme
Sport Australia, including the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) and the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), is a participating institution in the National Redress Scheme and has committed to providing support and care for anyone impacted by sexual misconduct while under the organisation’s care (now or in the past).
Sexual Misconduct Helpline
A confidential helpline to assist if you have been, or are at risk of being, impacted by sexual misconduct while under Sport Australia's (including the ASC and AIS) care as well as if you are seeking information to prevent or responding to observed sexual misconduct.
Email: aschelp@crcc.org.au
Phone: 1800 272 4357 [7am to 7pm, 7 days a week]
Additional organisations and resources
State and territory departments of sport and recreation
Not for profit organisations
Play by the Rules (PBTR)
PBTR provides grassroots sport with online resources to keep sport safe, fair and inclusive, including online child protection training, information and advice on creating a child safe organisation.
Email: manager@playbytherules.net.au
Website: Play by the Rules Child Safe Sport