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Safe and Inclusive Sport

Trans and Gender Diverse Inclusion

Giving everyone the opportunity to participate in sport, regardless of their sex or gender identity

Generally, conversations between team mates or people who you share a club with revolves around a shared sporting or community interest. Trans and gender diverse athletes and participants should be treated in the same way, with the same kind of respect for privacy.

There are many benefits to being involved in sport and the sporting community. Policies that exclude transgender and gender diverse participants have been found to be harmful not just to transgender and gender diverse people but harmful to all people associated with sporting organisations. The great majority of sporting teams and clubs are founded on a belief in respect, fairness and courage not on difference and exclusion.

Pronouns for transgender and gender diverse athletes often align with the gender of the team or division they want to play in. It's also possible that a transgender or gender diverse participant might prefer non-gendered pronouns like 'they,' or 'them'. If in doubt either ask politely about what pronouns are preferred or follow the lead of the person themselves. Make sure if you get it wrong, that you apologise and try to use the correct pronouns next time.

Clubs and teams benefit from having a wide range of members and transgender and gender diverse athletes bring as much passion, ability and interest to their sport as any other participant. However, open and inclusive teams and clubs have a direct benefit on the health and wellbeing of not just transgender and gender diverse athletes, but also to the wellbeing of people associated with sporting organisations.

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