17 August 2020
More than 600 people have attended webinars to launch Sport Australia’s new Governance Principles - but you can still engage. Videos of the six state webinars are now available to view.
Panel members
- Andrew Putt, Office of Sport NSW
- Aaron Bloomfield, Gymnastics NSW
- Andrea McQuitty, Paddle Australia
- Kate Corkery, Sport Australia
Panel members
- Laura Armstrong, Sport & Recreation VIC
- Grant Cosgriff, Triathlon Victoria
- Nicole Adamson, Cycling Australia
- Cameron French, Sport Australia
Panel members
- Chad Anderson, Sport & Recreation QLD
- Mel Woosnam, Hockey Australia
- Peter Cummiskey, QSport
- Kate Corkery, Sport Australia
Panel members
- Ebony Altimira, Tasmanian Rugby Union
- Helen Langenberg, Sport & Recreation TAS
- Glen Stanaway, Sailing Australia
- Cameron French, Sport Australia
Panel members
- Steve Humfrey, Sport & Recreation WA
- Vince Del Prete, Bowls WA
- Kate Corkery, Sport Australia
Panel members
- Annette Fidge, Former NSO & SSO Director
- Susie Smith, Water Polo Australia
- Justin Stephens, ORSR SA
- Benjamin Haywood, Sport Australia
The Sport Governance Principles 2020, as well as a full list of interactive tools, resources and education, can be found at https://www.sportaus.gov.au/governance
Sport Australia also looks forward to releasing a podcast series soon that will help bring this work to life by speaking with industry experts about their own personal experience.
Sport Governance Principles 2020 has been launched to help Australia’s sporting leaders – many of them volunteers – face the challenges of COVID-19 and to build a stronger sporting future. It is aimed at giving sporting Boards and Directors clear, consistent and educational advice that improves how sport is governed.
Thank you to all sports that attended and participated in the webinar series which were staged for New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, Tasmania and South Australia.