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Help your school community be even more active and win prizes for your school

Looking for content for your school newsletter or social page? Look no further!

We’ve prepared an article template (below) which you can edit and share with parents and carers to let them know about your Sporting Schools program and ways they can nurture their child’s participation in sport and physical activity at home.

Tag us on your social pages or email us a screen shot of the article in your newsletter to go in the draw to win one of three Sporting Schools packs for your school (prize pack includes 50 high bounce handballs, 50 skipping ropes, 50 drink bottles and 50 USB wrist bands)*.

*Terms and Conditions apply

  • To go in the draw to win, you must share the below article via your School's newsletter or Social Media channel before 22 November 2019.
  • You must either tag @SportingSchools on Facebook or Twitter or email a screen shot of the Newsletter to
  • Winners will be drawn by 30 November 2019 and notified directly

News article template:

What is physical literacy and why is it important for your child?

How you can nurture your child’s participation in sport and physical activity at home

Our school recently secured funding from Sport Australia to run a Sporting Schools program [insert details of which term/sport/classes etc].

We know the students loved this program and it was a great way for children to find their 30 at school, however, while adults need 30 minutes of physical activity a day, children need 60. So, as well as finding 30 at school, they need to be finding 30 at home.

Sport Australia has provided us with some useful information on how parents and carers can continue to nurture a child’s participation in sport and physical activity and find their 30 at home.

Physical literacy provides the foundation for a lifelong connection to sport and physical activity. It is about developing the skills, knowledge and behaviours that give us the confidence and motivation to move more and lead an active, healthy life. You can help develop your child’s physical literacy by creating good habits with daily physical activity by increasing the opportunities for play-based activities at home. Entice your child/ren away from screen-time and teach them how to climb a tree, fly a kite, kick a footy or go for a bush walk together as a family. Encourage your child/ren to: help choose and plan the activities; set goals; and talk about how they feel while engaging in the activities. As a bonus, research has shown that children who are physically active achieve greater academic success and maintain higher attention levels during class at school.

See more examples of how you can support your child to develop their physical literacy and some activities you can do together as a family

We can all develop our physical literacy at any stage of life, so why not do it together! Find a new sport or physical activity you can try with your family this term.

[Optional] If you have these details from your sporting provider) If your child enjoyed the Sporting Schools Program, you can contact xxxxxx so they can continue playing.

[Optional] As a school community we also encourage active transport to school so walking or riding to and from school pick up and drop off are some other great ways your children can be active and as a bonus you’ll be finding your 30 and getting some physical activity too.

Have any questions about Sporting Schools?

Phone: 1300 785 707
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