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Our performance | Annual Report 2017-18

27 Sep 2018: supporting innovative solutions for prioritised sports and promoting the growth of new knowledge and expertise for high performance sport. ... Sport Australia has broadened its focus on participation to include sport and physical activity, and has

ASC Annual Report 2019–2020

29 Oct 2020: It’s vital, however, because our national love of sport and small domestic market make Australia’s sports commercial market the most competitive in the world today. ... Two other elements of the AIS’s work merit mention. The AIS has in

Sport Australia welcomes reforms to safeguard sport integrity |…

12 Feb 2019: Sport Australia has welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Sport, Senator the Hon Bridget McKenzie of the establishment of the new national sports integrity agency, Sport Integrity Australia.

Board and committees | Annual Report 2017-18

2 Oct 2018: Throughout the year, the Board focused heavily on the challenges and opportunities facing the sector, drawing on its extensive collective experience to inform and shape the development of Sport 2030. ... Table 9: Sport Australia Board meeting attendance.

Australian Sports Commission Annual Report 2020–2021

20 Oct 2021: Sport Australia has also provided 4,660 Local Sporting Champions grants to Australians aged 12–18 across 61 sports, giving them financial support to enable them to attend local, national or ... Through the relationship with Sport Australia, Suncorp

Sport Australia releases Position Statement on Physical Literacy to…

15 Oct 2019: Endorsed by sporting organisations, physical activity providers and education bodies, the statement is a commitment to help all Australians bring out their best through physical activity.

Australian Sports Commission Corporate Plan 2020-24

1 Oct 2020: Our 2020-24 Corporate Plan aligns with Sport 2030 — the Australian Government’s strategic sports plan launched in 2018 — and the National High Performance Sport Strategy. ... The NHPSS was developed to support the priorities and objectives of the

Sport Australia Annual Report 2017–2018

17 Oct 2018: This is a critical time in Australian sport. A national sport plan, Sport 2030, was launched by the Australian Government in August 2018, providing a long term roadmap for Australian sport. ... reputation. Sport 2030, the Australian Government’s

The Australian Physical Literacy Framework

30 Jul 2020: improves student mental health and wellbeing. • addresses national and international policy and guidelines. • ... Munoz-Bullon, F., Sanchez-Bueno, M., Vos-Saz, A 2017, ‘The influence of sports participation on academic performance among students in


25 Nov 2020: recognised as world-leading. In August 2018, the Australian Government launched the Sport 2030National Sport Plan with a clear objective to ensure Australia is the most active and healthy nation, ... A key pillar of Sport 2030 is:. Achieving

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