Results that match 3 of 4 words
26 Oct 2023: the wider industry with a broader audience so that more sports and coaches can benefit from these insights. ... We know that less than 10% of our national high performance coaches across our 36 funded sports are women.
10 Oct 2022: Australian Sports Commission is determined to have more Australians participating and excelling in sport, from grass-roots right up to the pinnacle of elite competition.
23 Jul 2018: {rtf1adeflang1025ansiansicpg1252uc1adeff0deff0stshfdbch39stshfloch39stshfhich39stshfbi0deflang3081deflangfe3081themelang3081themelangfe0themelangcs0{fonttbl{f0fbidi fromanfcharset0fprq2{panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{f2fbidi
4 Aug 2021: Sport Australia has taken the next steps towards building a more collaborative, cohesive, and contemporary approach to volunteering in sport with the release of an industry-first insights report and new national plan for the future of sport
6 Jun 2023: What do sports need to do if they want access to this sport and what does the process involve when they contact you? ... Now understand what we've got. Now we'll start to develop a plan to support these people to be coached into the sport.
10 Mar 2021: The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) has today launched a Talent Program to help advance the professional development of women in sport science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine.
7 May 2024: Previous - visual effect only. Next. It is expected that the participation priorities this funding supports are aligned with your current national participation plan and the new Play Well Strategy. ... Everyone has a right to participate in sport. Sport
16 Jun 2021: Under a new Memorandum of Understanding signed last week, the partnership is set to explore further opportunities for collaboration and examine ways to enhance the volunteer experience.
14 Aug 2024: Establishment of the cross-government National Sport Infrastructure Network. Develop a National Sport Infrastructure Action Plan. ... Production of a co-designed National Sport Infrastructure Action Plan. PLAY WELL — IMPLEMENTATION PLAN11.
18 Jul 2018: Sport Australia is determined to have more Australians participating and excelling in sport, from grass-roots right up to the pinnacle of elite competition.