A program designed to help navigate the complex HP stakeholder system by initiating and maintaining strategic networks and relationships. This program is focused on developing competencies in earning trust, effective communication and system and organisational awareness.
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21 Nov 2023: Play Well Participation Grants Program
8 Aug 2019: Overcoming the perception of ability and risk is a key focus for these programs and Sport Australia.
Who this course is for: Anyone within an NSO/D that may find themselves in an emergency response situation and not just for those that...
22 May 2023: 9.40am - 10.00am Change management and the modern approach (Plenary). Cameron Tradell. ... physical literacy and group. management. Cameron Tradell. Coaching Workshop. Optimising officiating.
6 Jul 2018: ORC International Proprietary and Confidential. This document contains confidential and proprietary information for the Australian Sports Commission. No disclosure, duplication or use of any portion of the contents of these materials, for any purpose
13 Aug 2019: Staff are able to assist coaches with behaviour management and large group control. >
9 Jan 2024: ASC. 3738. 2. NON-HEALTHCARE PRACTITIONER OFF FIELD (DAYS AFTER INCIDENT) CONCUSSION RECOGNITION DECISION TREE. Athlete with suspected concussion. SUBTLE SIGNS OF CONCUSSION. - Pale. - Difficulty concentrating. - Fatigue. - Sensitivity to
9 Jan 2024: ASC. 3738. 2. NON-HEALTHCARE PRACTITIONER ON FIELD CONCUSSION RECOGNITION DECISION TREE. Thin. gs t. o lo. ok o. ut fo. r at. the. tim. e of. inju. ry. ON. FIE. LDSI. DEL. INE. Athlete with suspected concussion. Refer to healthcare practitioner as
9 Jan 2024: assessment and management.
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