A program designed to help navigate the complex HP stakeholder system by initiating and maintaining strategic networks and relationships. This program is focused on developing competencies in earning trust, effective communication and system and organisational awareness.
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11 Feb 2020: 19 February 2020. The Australian Sport Information Network (AUSPIN) annual meeting is the peak sport information and knowledge management forum in Australia.
3 Apr 2020: A whole-of-sport approach to participation. Management. The experience, expertise and performance of the management team.
3 Dec 2021: A former international paddler, she has diverse experience in teaching and sport, including coaching all ages from junior to elite international, major event management, and executive roles within the industry.
18 Mar 2020: The Australian Government has announced new community sport guidelines to combat the spread of COVID-19, as of 18 March 2020.
31 May 2022: In Australia, women and girls are under-represented in organised sport when compared to their male counterparts.
26 Aug 2022: Gender Matters is an Australian management consultancy which advises businesses and universities on gender and unconscious bias issues in the workplace.
6 Jul 2023: Celebrate and recognise your club volunteers. TIP: For easy access and review, store all related information for this plan on a shared drive / cloud management system and provide access to the ... Volunteer management plan template Seek Volunteer.
13 Dec 2021: We all know the benefits sport has on our physical and mental wellbeing, but a new study from the University of New South Wales and Surfing NSW is looking at how it can help save lives.
3 May 2023: Previous - visual effect only. Next. Presenter: Dr Shane Pill. Session Type: Practical Session. Time: 1.45pm to 3.00pm. Focus Audience: Coaches. Room: Court and outside. ‘Max 20 attendees per workshop’. Session Description: This practical
31 Mar 2021: It took a sport called Murderball for Shae Graham to overcome one of her biggest fears.