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ASC Annual Report2018–2019

22 Oct 2019: 1 Sport Australia (2019) Ausplay Data January 2018–December 2018, released on 30 April 2019. ... 4 Sport Australia (2019) Ausplay Data January 2018 — December 2018, released on 30 April 2019.

Australian Sports Commission Annual Report 2020–2021

20 Oct 2021: organised sport or physical activity outside of school hours in 2020 (2020 AusPlay data). ... Launched in October 2015, AusPlay is a national population tracking survey delivered by the ASC.

Australian Sports Commission Annual Report 2022–23

24 Oct 2023: Our national AusPlay survey also shows that Australians see the value of sport and being active, as. ... a data portal for users to view and interrogate the wealth of data collected in the AusPlay survey from 2015. >

Life Stage Snapshot 15-17 years

1 Dec 2020: ASC. 3582. 7. LIFE STAGE SNAPSHOT15–17 YEARS. 818,000. 4% of the population. Less than a quarter of 15 to 17 year olds are sufficiently active during this critical life stage. Sports can help turn this around by better understanding and adapting

Life Stage Snapshot 18-24 years

1 Dec 2020: ASC. 3582. 7. LIFE STAGE SNAPSHOT18–24 YEARS. 2.4 million. 12% of the population. This life stage sees increased independence and transitions such as finishing school, starting study, working full time and leaving home. These transitions can

Life Stage Snapshot 25-34 years

1 Dec 2020: ASC. 3582. 7. LIFE STAGE SNAPSHOT25–34 YEARS. 3.7 million. 18% of the population. As career and parental responsibilities increase, commitment to sport and physical activity levels decline slightly. 35%. Active. 55%. Insufficiently active. 10%.

Life Stage Snapshot 45-54 years

1 Dec 2020: LIFE STAGE SNAPSHOT45–54 YEARS. ASC. 3582. 7. 16% of the population. 3.2 million. Physical activity level. Refer to Australia’s Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines for Adults. Country of birth not Australia. People with

Life Stage Snapshot 35-44 Years

1 Dec 2020: ASC. 3582. 7. LIFE STAGE SNAPSHOT35–44 YEARS. 3.4 million. 17% of the population. This life stage is often a very busy one, whether it is due to work pressures, busy social lives or caring for young children. Consider how your sport can adapt its

Life Stage Snapshot 55-64 Years

1 Dec 2020: ASC. 3582. 7. There is an opportunity for sports to re-engage people who have been sidelined by their busy lives or that of their children. An increased desire to focus on themselves and their health could be used to reset behaviours around physical

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