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2024 National Volunteer Week

NVW 2024 Toolkit

This National Volunteer Week (20 to 26 May), the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) is once again rallying the sport sector to celebrate and thank the 3 million sport volunteers across Australia with a big 3 Cheers for Volunteers!  

We have collaborated with sport partners across Australia, using shared images and stories of real-life volunteers in our campaign assets. The 3 Cheers for Volunteers campaign will be rolled out throughout late May and early June through a paid advertising campaign and across our Australian Sports Commission social and digital channels.

Key to this year’s campaign is the effort to showcase the diverse communities of volunteers and the different ways people can give back to sport, aligning to Volunteering Australia’s Something for Everyone theme.

We are helping everyone jump on board with a toolkit of resources to enable wide promotion of this message. The toolkit contains easy-to-use social templates, key messages, posters and ready-made social media tiles.

With NVW 2024 about to kick-off, we hope you will use the toolkit to spotlight sport volunteers who are at the heart of your sport. Don't forget to tag @ASC and use the hashtags, #3CheersForVolunteers and #SportVol, so we can share your posts.

Use our handy campaign guide to help you develop your NVW content plan.

Campaign Guide

We can’t wait to watch our Australian sport sector share this campaign across social and digital channels and really spotlight our sport volunteers.

Social Media

The ASC have produced a suite of creative assets for you to use in promoting NVW on your own social media channels.

Video Ads

Videos will be available for download before National Volunteer Week commences on 20 May.

We encourage you to use the videos to showcase the importance of volunteers to sport in Australia by posting them on your social media channels.

Fact Sheet and Poster

The ASC have created a poster for you to use to promote NVW at your club, as well as a helpful fact sheet to help guide your NVW communication efforts.


The ASC have produced an official certificate for you to use to recognise your outstanding volunteers. you can input the name of your volunteer and add you sport logo to personalise each certificate.

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