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Building support for sport volunteers in the Northern Territory

The Northern Territory Government has thrown its support behind sport volunteers, last week releasing its own NT Sport Volunteer Action Plan 2023-25.

A young girl prepares to pass a netball while a netball umpire watches in the background
The Northern Territory Sport Volunteer Action Plan 2023-2025 highlights how important volunteers are for sport participation in the territory.

Volunteers are at the heart of sport in Australia, especially in regional and remote areas where sport plays a critical role in the community. Sport volunteers across the Territory now have greater access to resources, tools and $200,000 in grant funding.

The NT plan aligns to the Sport Volunteering Coalition Action Plan, led by the ASC, which is transforming the sport volunteer experience in Australia.

Territory Minister for Sport, Kate Worden reinforced the vital role volunteers play in delivering sport to over 120,000 people who participate in the Territory each year.

"Without volunteers, children and families wouldn't be able to participate in sport the way they do.

"We're making sure our hard-working volunteers have the resources, skills and support they need to keep sport and active recreation alive and well in the Territory,” Minister Worden said.

Volleyball Northern Territory President, Luke Seib was excited to see the tangible impacts the plan would have on sport in the north.

"Having an action plan from government dedicated to promoting and supporting volunteering in sport, with funding to back it, will make the world of difference to our volunteers and our sport," Luke said.

"Our volunteers are not only passionate people, they're accredited and they work hard every week to make Volleyball NT the success it is. It's so important that we support them anyway we can.”

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